MABELREIGN INFILL STANDSSize:1300sqm Price :$40k Accepting Terms Water ,Sewer, Electricity and Roads Available Ready to Build Cession MABVUKU CHIZHANJE INFILLS STANDS (CLOSE TO MUTARE ROAD) Sizes : 250sqm Price : USD $7000 Terms : 50% Deposit Balance in 12
Good Quality New Wardrobes Also very Cheap 0719946944 Please app me for more information
Quick sale slab level seating on 400 Sqr mtr Low density residential stand Located in Hertofordshire Less than 10km from Gweru CBD Cession Negotiable
Business stand measuring 47 by 47 metres. Waiva musha wedu but we are now selling. It's on a busy road therefore a surgery, creche, college or office will do